Strategic Consulting to Optimize Your Business.

Helping you transform your business and prepare for a successful future.

Whether you are a large business or small, looking to transform your company or scale for new markets, Velvet Hammer Consulting has the industry expertise to get you there. Our team consists of experts in Media & Entertainment, Sports, Fintech, Telecom and OTT technologies. We are truth tellers, innovators, glass ceiling breakers and business transformationalists. Woman owned and women led.

Areas of Expertise

Organizational Design

The world of technology is ever growing and evolving, and we’re not just talking about OTT trends. With the consistent introduction of varying revenue streams and distribution channels, the opportunity for profit grows, but so does the complexity. Sometimes understanding where your business is and where it needs to go, requires an extra (and non bias) set of eyes. Sometimes you have to go back to the basics: where is your business today, where do you want to be and what do you have to do to get there. Business case development is often a fundamental way to determine if the ‘where you want to be’ is where you SHOULD be.

Strategic Resource Consulting

Are you moving so fast that you don’t even have the time to figure out what you need to properly run your business once you get there? Is the company you are striving to be so different from where you are today that you are having trouble anticipating what your organization needs will be 6 months or even 12 months in the future? Do you lack simple, repeatable processes and the tools to implement them? Is your organization currently set up in a way that you can actually deliver on the roadmap you have envisioned? Organizational design can be the key to realizing the health and growth of your business; let us help you get that right, while you keeping running for the finish line!

Business Modeling

Our team comes from all over the tech industry and with backgrounds in Marketing, Sales, Product, Engineering, Operations and Customer Success. These are seasoned executives with the knowledge and experience on what/who works and and where. Leverage their hands-on expertise to ensure your organization has the resources it needs and the structure that will ensure its success. Change can be hard, but not doing it right, can make things harder.

“The riskiest thing we can do is maintain the status quo.”

– Bob Iger, Disney

Get in Touch

We are here to help you to realize your vision. Even if you don’t quite know what that is yet, we are committed to ensuring you get there.